I am here to say to Congress that as an American citizen I really don't care that much about Roger Clemens and whether or not he took performance enhancing substances. If he did, then that's sad for him and sad for baseball. But I assure you that it is no way shape or form worthy of Congress's time or effort. Hell its not even worth TV channels like CNN's time, who feel the need to run story after story about this. Aren't you a real news channel? This could be another elaborate smoke screen to blind the American people from the real issues facing them. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Henry Waxman and Republican Tom Davis should stop worrying about a game (that's right guys, baseball is just a game) and start focusing their attention on much more important issues. When you were elected do you think your constituents wanted this to be what you focused on? (Congressional committee asks Justice Department to investigate Clemens) Here is a short list of some of the Oversight committees that would make more sense than wasting tax payers money on finding out about a game someone may or may not have cheated on:
How about a committee to look into a president that lied to get us into a war for oil?Waxman and Davis are very concerned about how Clemens lied under oath, well what about Bush? This is just my opinion, I know that the war is much more than just oil. But you can't help but wonder when Halliburton gets no bid contracts and the real enemy isn't even in Iraq. You want to try Clemens for perjury then the same should apply to everyone who takes the oath to serve and protect our country don't you think? Hell I'd even settle for a committee to investigate just one of the lines of bull that "Dubua" has fed us: Iraqs involvement in 911, wire tapping, torture, Katrina response, WMDs, Valerie Plame, his relationship with the Saudis, etc etc etc.
How about a committee to look into our failing health care system that leaves millions of American citizens without basic health care and costs the rest of us an arm and a leg? Our health care system ranks pretty much last vs. the rest of the rich countries in the world. And below dictator ruled Cuba! (US Health System Ranks Last Compared to Other Countries: Studies). We are certainly not naive about the simple fact that US heath care is about making money for the pharmaceutical companies - there is more money in the treatment than in the cure. So while people get addicted to prescription drugs that have side effects that sometimes are worse than the problem they treat, the companies continue to turn record profits, and we as a people continue to suffer.
How about a committee to look into why billions of dollars in revenue is generated by oil companies and yet the cost of gas just continues to sky rocket? Isn't it strange that Exxon/Mobil sees their biggest profit ever in 2007 and the price of gas/oil keeps going up? (Exxon Mobil sets annual profit record) I fully understand that they are in a money making business, but why do I have to pay hundreds of dollars a month so I don't freeze to death in my home?
How about a committee to seriously look at immigration reform instead of building a wall on our southern border. It's sad that there are some people in this world that judge people by the color of their skin instead of their actions. So many people are trying to fight immigration reform that it's starting not to make any sense. Why would we not want to have the millions of illegal immigrants in our country made into citizens? It would help the economy greatly! Think about the amount of tax dollars that could be generated if they all started paying income tax. Hell it might even save social security! Now I know that the slave drivers in American business would never want to actually pay someone a fair and decent wage, but maybe it's about time that we wake up and stop playing the tough guy. They are here already. They are using our resources, driving, living, and enjoying the life that America offers. But instead we decide that we should build a wall, on only part of the border, to keep them out. Great idea! They will never think to go around/under/over it! It would be nice to see the racism and horrible treatment of people come to an end for a change. But maybe that's too much to ask for, we do have steroids in baseball to worry about after all!
This list could seriously go on and on. And again before you jump all over me for just speaking my mind, i'm not insinuating that all of my opinions are more than just that, opinions. I just wonder what the US would be like if more people opened their mouth instead of just letting themselves continue to get walked on. We've got corruption from the highest office in America why should anyone under him be any different? We live in a democracy where the American people are supposed to be able to vote on issues and elect our chosen leaders. The system we operate in is nothing like that. The only votes that matter are the electoral votes that the (Presidential) candidates get not the common vote. I mean seriously did everyone forget already how Gore won the popular vote in 2000? How can anyone have faith in a government that spends more time worrying about Roger Clemens than more pressing issues? This list is short and far from detailed enough to sway Congress's moral authority on the subject, but you can't blame me for trying. It's become very clear to this American that our government is more concerned with trivial game playing than ending serious problems around the world. You think anyone in Darfur cares about Roger Clemens?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
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